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Ecological Core Concepts -- The science of ecology -- Statistical analysis

View Resource Assessing Gains in Undergraduate Students' Abilities to Analyze Graphical Data

The authors of this TIEE Research Paper assessed analytical and graphing abilities in undergraduate students at four colleges and universities. The authors integrated use of graphing and data analysis skills throughout their lecture and lab courses using active-learning exercises that they developed. At the end of the courses, most students (75-90 %) were adept at interpreting simple bar graphs...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Data-rich Case Studies Improve Students' Abilities to Interpret Graphs in a Large Non-majors Course

The authors of this TIEE Research Paper evaluated the use of data-intensive case studies and small group discussion on students' quantitative abilities in a large environmental science lecture course. Students were asked to interpret graphs in pre- and post-course assessments. Most students (>80%) thought they did well on the initial assessment, although faculty evaluators scored about half as...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Energy Balance and Trophic Status in Fish

In this activity, students work with a dataset to investigate energy balance in animals that have different feeding behaviors (diurnal/nocturnal) and diets (e.g., carnivore/detritivore).


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Pathways to Scientific Teaching, Chapter 3c of 7: Determining confidence: sex and statistics

In this article we demonstrate the use of a primary research paper as an assessment tool, helping to determine how well students understand a biological concept and their ability to interpret statistics. The article by Willingham [attached] investigates the effects of temperature in conjunction with endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on sex determination in turtles. We have designed instruction...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Investigating human impact on stream ecology: locally and nationally

This activity is intended for students to lead investigations on stream ecology. Students will exercise critical thinking skills to interpret data sets and maps regarding water quality and usage. They will also learn how to manipulate the data and create presentations of the figures. This activity is included in Volume 8 of Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology (TIEE).


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

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